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Mount Hermon Sports Pavilion

RI Engineering provided civil engineering for site improvements for the Mount Hermon Association’s new Sports Pavilion nestled into the redwood forest in Santa Cruz County.  Opened in the summer of 2016, the facility creates a multi-use area for Mount Hermon’s activities such as camps, sports, conferences, and retreats. We were pleased to work with a cooperative design team that consisted of the Mount Hermon Association Engineering Staff, RI Engineering, Mayfield Architects, Hanagan Land Survey, and Pacific Crest Engineers.  Bogard Construction acted as the general contractor.  The following features were incorporated into our design.


  • An approximately 10,000 square foot, covered, open air sports pavilion facility.

  • Grading design and calculations of earthwork quantities.

  • Public safety infrastructure such as a paved fire department turnaround, fire hydrants, and fire department connections.

  • American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant parking lot and walkways.

  • Drainage design including a stormwater retention system designed to infiltrate runoff from the new impervious surfaces.

  • Erosion control design through the winter construction season.


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